
Who am I ?

Hey ! I’m Seblor, a software and web fullstack developper hailing from France.


I’m a 29 years old french guy living in Alsace. I’ve got a master’s degree and mostly work with the JavaScript ecosystem (JS, TS, VueJS, Svelte, Node, Bun). I’m also agoraphobic and aphantasic, which is fine for a developper 😉

On the Web

I’ve been on the internet since 2005, so it’s been quite some time. In 2013, I joined Minecraft-France as a forum moderator and became an administrator since 2016, which includes the Discord server created in 2015 ( members).

I made most of the bots used for moderating the server, mainly a private multi-purpose bot, Habrok (a reputation bot), and Plume (an activity logging bot)

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